
Namib Gate is an investment holding company focusing on international listed investments. NGI holds a diversified portfolio of international assets while maintaining some exposure to key South African investment properties. NGI’s purpose is to provide diversification and security to the Abcon Group.

For enquiries contact: 011 510 9999


At Tadvest Limited, we invest in attractive, high-growth, cash-generating assets, providing shareholders with a combination of sustainable capital and income growth through a portfolio of private equity investments, listed investments and investment properties. Tadvest’s approach is to partner with the existing management team of the business to put in place a strategy to harness long-term sustainable capital and the opportunity of valued partnerships with investment income growth, which benefits all the company’s stakeholders.

For enquiries contact:


Abheka is a level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) microenterprise company established in 2012. This vehicle is run independently by the Board of Directors and invests in property, fuel stations and other assets. Abheka is the risk-taking vehicle with a strategy to meet the benchmarked industry 58 standards and create value by pursuing good investment opportunities. Abheka also serves as an enabler for Enterprise Development initiatives through receiving and facilitating grants from various donors.

For enquiries contact: 011 510 9802